Arabic Names for Home
Are you also searching the internet for arbic names for your home?
Then you have come to the right article because you will find beautiful names in the article.
Hello friends my name is Deep Ahire. My team and I have been doing research on the internet for a long time. Accordingly, you can select the name you like from the following article.
Friends, everyone dreams in life to own or build their own house. After building a house, people search for names on the internet to give it a beautiful name. Arbic names are very important for home.

Arabic Names for Home
1. بيت السلام (Bayt al-Salam) – House of Peace
2. دار السعادة (Dar al-Sa’adah) – House of Happiness
3. فيلا الريحان (Villa al-Rayhan) – Villa of Basil (symbolizing peace and harmony)
4. منزل الأمل (Manzil al-Amal) – House of Hope
10. بيت النور (Bayt al-Nur) – House of Light
11. دار الأمان (Dar al-Aman) – House of Safety
12. فيلا الورد (Villa al-Ward) – Villa of Roses
13. منزل السرور (Manzil al-Surur) – House of Joy
14. بيت العائلة (Bayt al-‘Ailah) – Family House
15. دار البركة (Dar al-Barakah) – House of Blessings
16. فيلا الجنة (Villa al-Jannah) – Villa of Paradise
17. منزل المحبة (Manzil al-Mahabbah) – House of Love
18. بيت الهدوء (Bayt al-Hudu’) – House of Tranquility
19. دار الفرح (Dar al-Farhah) – House of Joy
20. فيلا الشمس (Villa al-Shams) – Villa of the Sun
21. بيت السكينة (Bayt al-Sakinah) – House of Serenity
22. دار الصفاء (Dar al-Safa) – House of Purity
23. فيلا النجوم (Villa al-Nujum) – Villa of Stars
24. منزل الوفاء (Manzil al-Wafa’) – House of Loyalty
25. بيت الرحمة (Bayt al-Rahmah) – House of Mercy
26. دار الإيمان (Dar al-Iman) – House of Faith
27. فيلا السعادة (Villa al-Sa’adah) – Villa of Happiness
28. منزل الأمانة (Manzil al-Amanah) – House of Trust
29. بيت الذكرى (Bayt al-Dhikra) – House of Memory
30. دار الرضى (Dar al-Rida) – House of Contentment
31. فيلا الأحلام (Villa al-Ahlam) – Villa of Dreams
32. منزل الصداقة (Manzil al-Sadaqah) – House of Friendship
33. بيت الرخاء (Bayt al-Rakhaa) – House of Prosperity
34. دار النعيم (Dar al-Na’eem) – House of Bliss
35. فيلا الفيروز (Villa al-Fayrouz) – Villa of Turquoise
36. منزل الغد (Manzil al-Ghad) – House of Tomorrow
37. بيت الطيبة (Bayt al-Tayyibah) – House of Kindness
38. دار الزهراء (Dar al-Zahraa) – House of the Blossoms
39. فيلا السحاب (Villa al-Sahab) – Villa of the Clouds
40. منزل السكون (Manzil al-Sukoon) – House of Calm
41. بيت الحكمة (Bayt al-Hikmah) – House of Wisdom
42. دار الغروب (Dar al-Ghuroob) – House of Sunset
43. فيلا القمر (Villa al-Qamar) – Villa of the Moon
44. منزل الرضا (Manzil al-Ridaa) – House of Satisfaction
45. بيت الضيافة (Bayt al-Diyafah) – House of Hospitality
Unique House Names in Arabic

1. بيت اللؤلؤة (Bayt al-Lu’lu’ah) – House of the Pearl
2. دار الزمرد (Dar al-Zumurrud) – House of the Emerald
3. منزل العندليب (Manzil al-‘Andalib) – House of the Nightingale
4. فيلا العنقاء (Villa al-‘Anqa’) – Villa of the Phoenix
5. بيت الأفق (Bayt al-Ufuq) – House of the Horizon
6. دار السراب (Dar al-Sarab) – House of the Mirage
7. منزل الغابة (Manzil al-Ghabah) – House of the Forest
8. فيلا السديم (Villa al-Sadim) – Villa of the Nebula
9. بيت المرجان (Bayt al-Marjan) – House of the Coral
10. دار الطيف (Dar al-Taif) – House of the Spectrum
11. منزل الفلك (Manzil al-Falak) – House of the Cosmos
12. فيلا الياقوت (Villa al-Yaqut) – Villa of the Ruby
13. بيت النسيم (Bayt al-Naseem) – House of the Breeze
14. دار الشروق (Dar al-Shurouq) – House of the Sunrise
15. منزل البراري (Manzil al-Barari) – House of the Prairies
16. فيلا المزن (Villa al-Mazn) – Villa of the Rain Clouds
17. بيت الكرمة (Bayt al-Karmah) – House of the Vine
18. دار الغزالة (Dar al-Ghazalah) – House of the Gazelle
19. منزل الرحيق (Manzil al-Rahiq) – House of the Nectar
20. فيلا البريق (Villa al-Bariq) – Villa of the Glitter
21. بيت التلال (Bayt al-Tilal) – House of the Hills
22. دار النسور (Dar al-Nusur) – House of the Eagles
23. منزل المرج (Manzil al-Marj) – House of the Meadow
24. فيلا العقيق (Villa al-‘Aqiq) – Villa of the Agate
25. بيت السحاب (Bayt al-Sahab) – House of the Clouds
26. دار الأفق (Dar al-Ufuq) – House of the Horizon
27. منزل الحلم (Manzil al-Hulm) – House of the Dream
28. فيلا الهدى (Villa al-Huda) – Villa of the Guidance
29. بيت الفراشة (Bayt al-Farashah) – House of the Butterfly
30. دار الصفاء (Dar al-Safa) – House of Clarity
Islamic House Name Plate

1. بيت البركة (Bayt al-Barakah) – House of Blessings
2. دار السلام (Dar al-Salam) – House of Peace
3. منزل الإيمان (Manzil al-Iman) – House of Faith
4. فيلا الرحمة (Villa al-Rahmah) – Villa of Mercy
5. بيت التقوى (Bayt al-Taqwa) – House of Piety
6. دار النور (Dar al-Nur) – House of Light
7. منزل الحمد (Manzil al-Hamd) – House of Praise
8. فيلا الصبر (Villa al-Sabr) – Villa of Patience
9. بيت الأمان (Bayt al-Aman) – House of Safety
10. دار اليقين (Dar al-Yaqeen) – House of Certainty
11. منزل الفضل (Manzil al-Fadl) – House of Grace
12. فيلا الشكر (Villa al-Shukr) – Villa of Gratitude
13. بيت الهداية (Bayt al-Hidayah) – House of Guidance
14. دار الرضوان (Dar al-Ridwan) – House of Divine Pleasure
15. منزل السكينة (Manzil al-Sakinah) – House of Tranquility
16. فيلا المودة (Villa al-Mawaddah) – Villa of Affection
17. بيت الشفاء (Bayt al-Shifa) – House of Healing
18. دار الرضا (Dar al-Rida) – House of Satisfaction
19. منزل الطمأنينة (Manzil al-Tama’ninah) – House of Reassurance
20. فيلا العفاف (Villa al-‘Ifaf) – Villa of Chastity
Modern Muslim House Names

1. بيت الأفق (Bayt al-Ufuq) – House of the Horizon
2. دار النور (Dar al-Nur) – House of Light
3. منزل الرؤيا (Manzil al-Ru’ya) – House of Vision
4. فيلا السلام (Villa al-Salam) – Villa of Peace
5. بيت النبض (Bayt al-Nabd) – House of Pulse (symbolizing life and vibrancy)
6. دار الأمل (Dar al-Amal) – House of Hope
7. منزل الشروق (Manzil al-Shurouq) – House of Sunrise
8. فيلا الجود (Villa al-Jood) – Villa of Generosity
9. بيت الروح (Bayt al-Ruh) – House of Spirit
10. دار الطموح (Dar al-Tumuh) – House of Ambition
11. منزل الحلم (Manzil al-Hulm) – House of the Dream
12. فيلا الرقي (Villa al-Ruqi) – Villa of Elegance
13. بيت الصفاء (Bayt al-Safa) – House of Clarity
14. دار السكينة (Dar al-Sakinah) – House of Serenity
15. منزل الهدى (Manzil al-Huda) – House of Guidance
16. فيلا النجاح (Villa al-Najah) – Villa of Success
17. بيت العطاء (Bayt al-‘Ata) – House of Giving
18. دار البصيرة (Dar al-Basirah) – House of Insight
19. منزل البهجة (Manzil al-Bahjah) – House of Delight
20. فيلا الإبداع (Villa al-Ibda’) – Villa of Creativity
21. بيت المودة (Bayt al-Mawaddah) – House of Affection
22. دار النعيم (Dar al-Na’eem) – House of Bliss
23. منزل المستقبل (Manzil al-Mustaqbal) – House of the Future
24. فيلا الأمانة (Villa al-Amanah) – Villa of Trust
25. بيت الأنس (Bayt al-Uns) – House of Companionship
26. دار الرحمة (Dar al-Rahmah) – House of Mercy
27. منزل الوفاء (Manzil al-Wafa’) – House of Loyalty
28. فيلا البهاء (Villa al-Baha’) – Villa of Splendor
29. بيت النقاء (Bayt al-Naqaa) – House of Purity
30. دار الفرح (Dar al-Farah) – House of Joy
Beautiful Arabic Names for Home

1. بيت الزهور (Bayt al-Zuhur) – House of Flowers
2. دار الفرح (Dar al-Farah) – House of Joy
3. منزل الورد (Manzil al-Ward) – House of Roses
4. فيلا الجنة (Villa al-Jannah) – Villa of Paradise
5. بيت السعادة (Bayt al-Sa’adah) – House of Happiness
6. دار النعيم (Dar al-Na’eem) – House of Bliss
7. منزل الأنس (Manzil al-Uns) – House of Companionship
8. فيلا الهناء (Villa al-Hana’) – Villa of Bliss
9. بيت النور (Bayt al-Nur) – House of Light
10. دار السكون (Dar al-Sukoon) – House of Calm
11. منزل الرخاء (Manzil al-Rakhaa) – House of Prosperity
12. فيلا النسيم (Villa al-Naseem) – Villa of the Breeze
13. بيت الطيبة (Bayt al-Tayyibah) – House of Kindness
14. دار الأمان (Dar al-Aman) – House of Safety
15. منزل السرور (Manzil al-Surur) – House of Delight
17. فيلا الشمس (Villa al-Shams) – Villa of the Sun
18. بيت الزمرد (Bayt al-Zumurrud) – House of the Emerald
19. دار الحلم (Dar al-Hulm) – House of the Dream
20. منزل البهاء (Manzil al-Baha’) – House of Splendor
21. فيلا الريحان (Villa al-Rayhan) – Villa of Basil (symbolizing peace and harmony)
22. بيت الفيروز (Bayt al-Fayrouz) – House of Turquoise
23. دار الصفا (Dar al-Safa) – House of Purity
24. منزل الأحلام (Manzil al-Ahlam) – House of Dreams
25. فيلا الجمال (Villa al-Jamal) – Villa of Beauty
26. بيت اللؤلؤة (Bayt al-Lu’lu’ah) – House of the Pearl
27. دار المودة (Dar al-Mawaddah) – House of Affection
28. منزل الأمل (Manzil al-Amal) – House of Hope
29. فيلا العز (Villa al-‘Izz) – Villa of Glory
30. بيت الأنس (Bayt al-Uns) – House of Delight
31. دار الوفاء (Dar al-Wafa’) – House of Loyalty
Also Read: Islamic Name For Instagram
Q1. Why should I choose an Arabic name for my house?
Ans: If you also want to choose an arbic name for your home, then you should definitely choose an arbic name because choosing an Arabic name conveys a sense of cultural richness, elegance and deep meaning. Arabic names often represent beautiful concepts, values and natural elements that create the identity of your home.
Q2. How can I choose the right Arabic name for my house?
Ans: Think about what qualities or emotions you want in your home. You want it to reflect peace, happiness, prosperity or beauty. You can choose or create a name that best represents that concept.
Q3. Are these names commonly used in the Arabic speaking world?
Ans: Many of the above names are popular in the Arabic-speaking world and were chosen for their aesthetic and semantic qualities. They are often used for houses, villas and estates to reflect the owner’s aspirations and values.
Friends, if you are also looking for Arabic name for my house on the internet, then you have come to the right article, because we have tried to cover as many names as possible in the above article. A meaningful name should enhance the appeal of the house and add to the cultural richness.
Whether you prefer names that evoke peace, joy, natural beauty, or positive values, the options are plentiful and varied. By choosing an Arabic name for your home, you not only add a layer of aesthetic appeal, but also connect with the deep meanings and traditions inherent in the Arabic language.